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Dr. Elizabeth Woodworth

Associate Professor of Writing
Applied Communication & Learning Lab
Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA
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This is a fun book. My chapter is: "'I open at the close': A Post-MOOC Meta-Happening Reflection and What I’m Going to Do About That." The urgency surrounding MOOCs as transformative agents for education might be over, but their importance to the future of education is still an unanswered question that we need to keep asking. 

Thought Stories

Story is who we are. Without it, we do not know ourselves and cannot know others. Story is what binds us to each other and fills the fissures that might otherwise crack the world apart and us with it. I used to call what I wrote online "blogs," a conflation of web and log. That no longer works for me. This kind of writing is about thinking in public. It's "thought" made visible.

Digital Stories

Talking about the pandemic, COVID-19, and literature was the highlight of 2020 for me. I missed people very much and being able to connect in this small way was a grand way to end up a really, challenging, difficult, scary, emotionally-fraught, tragic, terrible year.

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